Novice – All dogs must start at this level except for those opting or required to start at Beginner. The Novice title must be completed before beginning the Intermediate title.
Requirements – All twelve Novice Barkour exercises. At least four of the obstacles must be Natural or Urban.
Novice Exercises:
Requirements – All twelve Novice Barkour exercises. At least four of the obstacles must be Natural or Urban.
Novice Exercises:
- Four Feet On an obstacle at least elbow height for at least 5 seconds; dog may climb or jump onto it. If the ground surface is hard, assist the dog down.
- Four Feet On an obstacle shoulder height or higher for at least 5 seconds; dog may climb or jump onto it. You must assist the dog down regardless of ground surface.
- Two Feet On an obstacle shoulder height or higher for at least 5 seconds.
- Under an obstacle shoulder height or lower. Leash may be dropped or detached if in a safe area.
- In an obstacle where all four sides measure at least one-half the dog’s elbow height, and the width and length measure the dog’s body length or less for at least 5 seconds.
- Through – Dog must pass between two obstacles at least the dog’s body length long that are no wider than 1.5 times the dog’s shoulder width apart. Dog must pass completely though without hesitating or turning around.
- Balance – Dog walks on an obstacle at least three body lengths long, no wider than the dog’s width at the shoulders, at least one-half elbow height. Dog must complete the obstacle in one attempt without stepping off.
- Around (Both Directions) – Starting near either of the handler’s sides, the dog must travel at least two body lengths away and make a 180-degree turn around an object in either direction before returning to the handler. This must be completed in both clockwise and counter-clockwise directions, but can be done at separate times and edited into one sequence. Leash may be detached if in a safe area.
- Over – Dog jumps over an obstacle at least one-half elbow height. Landing surface must be soft.
- Moving Obstacle – Dog must place at least two feet on an obstacle below elbow height that moves under their weight for at least 3 seconds.
- Creativity – Perform three different Novice behaviors on a single new obstacle. Must be a noticeable transition between exercises, such as dismounting and reattempting the obstacle. Exercises with a time requirement only require a noticeable pause instead of the full 3 – 5 seconds. Must be one unedited video sequence; all spotting and assistance rules apply.
- Three Obstacle Sequence – Perform three different Novice behaviors on three new obstacles in a row. Exercises with a time requirement only require a noticeable pause instead of the full 3 – 5 seconds. Must be one unedited video sequence; all spotting and assistance rules apply.